Anonymous Sudan has claimed to attack Twitter, demanding to bring Starlink to Sudan.

Sharing a screenshot of the Twitter website displaying the “This page is down” message on their Telegram channel, the group stated that through this attack, they are sending a message to Elon Musk to bring Starlink in Sudan.

Several Twitter users reported an issue while trying to access the micro-blogging website. However, the security incident is yet to be confirmed. 

Elon Musk Targeted by Anonymous Sudan

Starlink is a satellite-based internet service project by Elon Musk’s SpaceX company.

It aims to provide high-speed, low-latency internet connectivity to locations worldwide, particularly in rural and remote areas that currently lack reliable internet access. 

The project will launch thousands of small satellites in Earth’s orbit, which will communicate with ground stations to deliver internet service to users on the ground.

Over the years, Starlink has been able to provide good internet connectivity in the US, UK, Germany, France, Spain, Italy, and several European nations. 

Hacker Group Demands Starlink in Sudan

Given that Sudan is a developing nation with a significant rural population, the demand for reliable internet connectivity is high.

Starlink in Sudan, Starlink in Sudan

Anonymous Sudan’s demand for the opening of Starlink in Sudan clearly indicates their desire to improve internet access in the country.

However, it is important to note that the demand for reliable internet access is not limited to Sudan alone. Many developing nations around the world are in dire need of reliable internet connectivity to drive economic growth and development.

Moreover, within everything surrounding Elon Musk’s chronicles, the Twitter verified badge outage sparked a lot of controversies, with many users demanding the free version of the badge.

Starlink in Sudan,

Twitter’s new owner has proposed paid plans for users who want to use the verified logo on Twitter. This move has been met with mixed reactions, with many users expressing their dissatisfaction with the proposal.

In conclusion, Anonymous Sudan’s demand for the opening of Starlink in Sudan clearly indicates the need for reliable internet connectivity in developing nations.

While the Twitter verified badge outage sparked a lot of controversies, it is important to focus on the bigger picture, which is the need for reliable internet connectivity in developing nations. Within this context, Anonymous Sudan has initiated to make Starlink available in Sudan, even by force.

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